Java Cafe ★★☆

12 Ballarat Street
Yarraville VIC 3013

Java Cafe is a simple eatery that serves up generous portions of average food. The cafe itself is dated and aged but seats are still comfy. Affordable prices for meals but probably wouldn't come back
Iced Coffee $6 
Decent iced coffee. Coffee part was bitter but better after stirring in ice cream ★★

Matcha Latte $4
Not a great matcha. Lacks flavour and creaminess ★☆

Omelette with Chorizo, Tomato, Mushroom, Avocado and Spinach $13.50
Generous serving size and good variety of ingredients ★★★

Chicken Risotto ~ $20
Creamy and hearty. Good flavours. ★★★☆

Java Cafe

Most Popular/Recommended:


12 Ballarat Street
Yarraville VIC 3013

Opening Hours:
Monday to Sunday: 7am to 12am


Java Cafe Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

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